The Pragmatic Programmer
20th Anniversary Edition
Your Journey to Mastery
by David Thomas and Andrew Hunt
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Reading Schedule
Week | Due Date | Chapter |
1 | Nov. 19 | 1: A Pragmatic Philosophy |
2 | Nov. 26 | 2: A Pragmatic Approach |
3 | Dec. 3 | 3: The Basic Tools |
4 | Dec. 10 | 4: Pragmatic Paranoia |
5 | Dec. 17 | 5: Bend, or Break |
6 | Jan. 7 | 6: Concurrency |
7 | Jan. 14 | 7: While You Are Coding |
8 | Jan. 21 | 8: Before the Project |
9 | Jan. 28 | 9: Pragmatic Projects |